About the Warren Sanitary District
This website is in progress. Many parts of it may not work at the present time and serve as placeholders for content, which is being developed and will be online in the future. The only pages that exist at the moment are the front page and the contacts page. Questions, comments, or suggestions for the site may be sent to web@warrensanitarydistrict.org. Thank you.
Sanitary District Boundaries
The boundaries of the Sanitary District are roughly the village area of Warren, including Western Road from Route 1 to Route 90, Route 90 from Union Street to Route 131, Main Street, Four Rod Road, Route 131 from Powder Mill Road to Patterson Mill Road, and the many smaller roads off of these roads. You may view or download a map of the boundaries here. If your dwelling is within 200 feet of the District's pipe, you are required to connect to the system or pay a Ready To Serve charge. If your dwelling is outside of 200 feet or along the force main, you may be able to connect to the system by contract.
Buying a house in the District?
If you are buying a house in the District, you will need to notify our office of the date of sale as well as the address of the house and the names of the current and new owners. The bill will be pro-rated to properly apportion the balance owed.
Building a house in the District?
A sewer application can be found here. If you are building a new dwelling inside the District or adding additional dwelling units to an existing dwelling, you may need to pay an Assessment Fee. Contact us at 273-2047 if you have questions.